
65.1 /mes
Facturado mensualmente
Support Hours up to 1 hour Target Response Time 2,5 hours
  • Solving complex problems of any complexity related to our infrastructure
  • Support OS
  • Around the clock access to technical support
  • Backup management for a fee
  • Infrastructure Audit
  • Progress Report
  • Work with hardware from other providers
  • Personal chat with our tech-support in any way convenient for you
  • Carry over 10% of credits which remained from the previous month
  • Your project is assigned to a personal expert
139.5 /mes
Facturado mensualmente
Support Hours up to 3 hours Target Response Time 2 hours
  • Solving complex problems of any complexity related to our infrastructure
  • Support OS
  • Around the clock access to technical support
  • Backup management for a fee
  • Infrastructure Audit
  • Progress Report
  • Work with hardware from other providers
  • Personal chat with our tech-support in any way convenient for you
  • Carry over 10% of credits which remained from the previous month
  • Your project is assigned to a personal expert
279.01 /mes
Facturado mensualmente
Support Hours up to 7,5 hours Target Response Time 1 hour
  • Solving complex problems of any complexity related to our infrastructure
  • Support OS
  • Around the clock access to technical support
  • Backup management for a fee
  • Infrastructure Audit
  • Progress Report
  • Work with hardware from other providers
  • Personal chat with our tech-support in any way convenient for you
  • Carry over 10% of credits which remained from the previous month
  • Your project is assigned to a personal expert
465.01 /mes
Facturado mensualmente
Support Hours up to 16,5 hours Target Response Time 0,5 hours
  • Solving complex problems of any complexity related to our infrastructure
  • Support OS
  • Around the clock access to technical support
  • Backup management for a fee
  • Infrastructure Audit
  • Progress Report
  • Work with hardware from other providers
  • Personal chat with our tech-support in any way convenient for you
  • Carry over 10% of credits which remained from the previous month
  • Your project is assigned to a personal expert
Need more hours of support?
Support hours Individually Target Response time Individually
  • Solving complex problems of any complexity related to our infrastructure
  • Support OS
  • Around the clock access to technical support
  • Backup management for a fee
  • Infrastructure Audit
  • Progress Report
  • Work with hardware from other providers
  • Personal chat with our tech-support in any way convenient for you
  • Carry over 10% of credits which remained from the previous month
  • Your project is assigned to a personal expert

¿Qué son los servicios Devops?

Es un nuevo programa de asistencia al cliente. Proporciona apoyo individual a cada cliente según el paquete de servicios que elija. Nuestros especialistas cualificados están preparados para ayudarle en cualquier momento del día o de la noche.

¿Cómo funciona?

Lea los términos y condiciones de los Servicios DevOps
Elija el plan que le convenga
Pague de la forma que más le convenga
Obtenga una solución rápida para cualquier problema

¿Quién puede necesitar servicios DevOps?

Quien ejecuta grandes proyectos y necesita el apoyo constante de especialistas
Quien no quiere pagar en exceso por una sola persona para la resolución de problemas al mes
Que no quiere esperar a que se solucione su problema y necesita una solución de problemas instantánea.
Que está dispuesto a obtener ayuda de expertos a un precio razonable

Ventajas de utilizar los servicios DevOps

Siempre tendrá la seguridad de que cualquier problema será resuelto lo antes posible, en cualquier momento
No tendrá que ocuparse de cuestiones técnicas, nuestros especialistas lo harán por usted
Podrá establecer varias tareas al mismo tiempo y supervisar su ejecución en tiempo real
Puede contratar a un especialista sin necesidad de alquilarnos un servidor.