Useful Web Hosting Articles
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Qué es un constructor de sitios web, cuáles son sus ventajas y desventajas
May 17, 2022
Qué es un constructor de sitios web, cuáles son sus ventajas y desventajas

Los constructores de sitios web son sistemas de software con amplias herramientas que se pueden utilizar para crear sitios web para cualquier tarea. "En la caja de un servicio de este tipo hay todo lo que se necesita a la vez:

Errores del servidor SMTP y cómo solucionarlos
Apr 28, 2022
Errores del servidor SMTP y cómo solucionarlos

El servidor SMTP utiliza el protocolo SMTP para enviar correos electrónicos. Y sólo para enviar, porque para recibir se utilizan otros protocolos: POP3 e IMAP. La transferencia de datos se realiza a través de una conexión TCP, y la especificación del Protocolo Simple de Transferencia de Correo es óptima para el envío de correos masivos y transaccionales. Por esta razón, es utilizado a menudo por los spammers.

Alojamiento gestionado o no gestionado: ¿Cuál es mejor?
Apr 18, 2022
Alojamiento gestionado o no gestionado: ¿Cuál es mejor?

Existen dos tipos de alojamiento: gestionado y no gestionado. En este caso, estamos hablando de la administración - al alquilar un hosting gestionado el cliente también recibe un servicio adicional:

Apache – what is it, how it works, advantages and disadvantages
Feb 17, 2022
Apache – what is it, how it works, advantages and disadvantages

Apache is a free web server, cross-platform software that provides about 1/3 of the sites on the global Internet. This software is developed and supported by the ASF (Apache Software Foundation) community, which was formed in 1999. It was this organization that developed the Apache License, which is so widely used on other projects.

Which CMS is better: WordPress or Joomla
Feb 3, 2022
Which CMS is better: WordPress or Joomla

WordPress or Joomla are the most popular CMS-systems developed on the principle of Open Source. Each of these content management systems provides a fairly extensive toolkit that allows you to bring projects of any complexity to life. Whatever type of site you do not need to develop - both WordPress and Joomla will be a solid foundation. But still, there is a big difference between these CMS, and in this article, we will try to comprehensively tell you what is better for shared-hosting in terms of security, load on the server, and a number of other criteria.

What hosting should you choose for a landing page?
Jan 4, 2022
What hosting should you choose for a landing page?

Landings are unlikely to ever lose relevance. This solution will always be good for many small companies and entrepreneurs. After all, they simply do not need the capabilities of a complex multipage and expensive both in development and content of the site! But do they need the capabilities of good paid hosting or can they save money with free placement on free hosting? Find the answer to this question in this article from the experts of HostZealot!

Qué es la sobreventa de alojamiento
Dec 14, 2021
Qué es la sobreventa de alojamiento

La sobreventa es un servicio de reventa de la capacidad de procesamiento de servidores previamente vendida. La esencia del hecho es que muchos clientes de proveedores de hosting no utilizan toda la capacidad alquilada, y se quedan ociosos. En este caso, algunos proveedores toman y revenden los recursos ociosos a otros contratantes. En la práctica, este enfoque permite:

Choosing the best hosting for an online store
Dec 13, 2021
Choosing the best hosting for an online store

When creating an online store one of the most important steps in the search and selection of hosting provider, on the servers of which will be placed the webserver. Speaking in the language of analogies, hosting ( is a platform on which the point of sale is located. Instead of square meters here you get the hardware resources, which are necessary to maintain the online store. And the higher the server capacity, the better will work online store: more stable, faster, more reliable.

Hosting with a test period: what it is and why you may need it
Dec 9, 2021
Hosting with a test period: what it is and why you may need it

The test period - the possibility of short-term rental server at no charge. This is a good opportunity to assess the quality of services provided by a hosting provider. If there are no problems during the trial period, it proves that the hosting provider is responsible and open to the clients. In this article, we are going to tell you what aspects you should check during the trial period and what you should focus on during the analysis.

What is a reselling of hosting
Nov 23, 2021
What is a reselling of hosting

Hosting reselling refers to the procedure of dividing the physical resources of a leased server into several virtual configurations for the purpose of subsequent resale and profit. In other words, a physical server is a cake that a reseller buys in its entirety, divides into parts, and then resells to customers at a small markup. In this case, the reseller himself is responsible for the maintenance and operation of all these servers, and he is subsequently forced to deal with the data center. Often reseller also takes on additional functions: