What is the best VPS OS?

Choosing the best VPS OS is quite easy, actually. The choice depends solely on your goals and preferred type of software/scripts/management.

Windows-based software like .ASP net, Virtual basic and so on requires Windows Server environment, meaning choice is quite simple. Being able to access your files via RDP while remaining within interface you are used to is a great advantage of Windows environment.

However, majority of tasks is done best by Linux/FreeBSD systems due to their better performance under peak loads, ease of management and better stability.

The most popular system is CentOS (Community Enterprise OS) of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. It is free, compatible with most control panels and updated regularly. We provide several CentOS versions compatible with control panels like WHM, DirectAdmin, Virtualmin and ISP Manager.

However, as some clients require Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian or FreeBSD we provide and support latest several versions of these OS too.
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