HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It allows users to create and structure sections, paragraphs, headings, links, and block quotes for web pages and applications.

HTML is not a programming language which means you cannot develop dynamic functionality. But it gives a possibility to organize and format the documents, just like with Microsoft Word.

How does it work?

HTML-documents are files with .html or .htm extension. A browser reads the HTML-files and processes their content so that the Internet users could see it.

An average website contains several different HTML-pages. For example, a home page and a contact page have different HTML-documents.

Each HTML-page has a set of tags (or elements) which can also be called the standard web-page blocks. They create a hierarchy that separates the whole content according to the sections, paragraphs, headings, and other blocks.

Below you can see an example of the HTML-elements structure:




<p>Paragraph 1</p>

<img src="/" alt="Image">

<p>Paragraph 2, <a href="">link</a></p>


  • The first element is a section (<div></div>). It is used mark up large sections of page content.
  • Further goes the heading (<h1></h1>), subheading (<h2></h2>), 2 paragraphs (<p></p>), and an image (<img>).
  • The second paragraph contains a link (<a></a>) with an href attribute that contains an end URL.
  • The image tag also contains 2 attributes: src indicates the path to image and alt - its description.
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